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The Tunnel is a sequel to The Holes I Live in. It explores the idea of retreat and imagines a body that encloses the self in such regression whilst at the same time dealing with the expulsion of the strangers within the self that gathers as manifestation.

soft sculpture, installation, art, geraldine lim, isolation, anxiety, flesh, body, organs, pink, red
the tunnel, installation, geraldine lim, isolation, anxiety, soft sculpture, exhibition, red, pink, flesh, body
installation, soft sculpture, art, geraldine lim, artist, flesh, anxiety, isolation
detail of the tunnel, soft sculpture, installation, textile, pink, red, lesh, body, abject, isolatin, anxiety, art, geraldine lim
geraldine lim, soft sculpture, the tunnel, textile, fabric, sewing, art, installation, flesh, body, anxiety, isolation
baby, isolation, soft sculpture, anxiety, textile, art, installation
my placebo, soft sculpture, pink, red, anxiety, isolation, textile, art, geraldine lim, organs, body, flesh

Photo documentation courtesy of Jing Wei

© 2020 by Geraldine Lim. Proudly created with

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